Friday, October 16, 2015


There are many different definitions on the internet when it comes to sexual assault. I found definitions based on criminal code to be the most helpful to me personally. I wrote these summaries based off of the Utah Criminal Code (U.C.C.). Please refer to the code for more specific information. At the bottom I have included a link to RAINN's list of definitions.

My Definitions...
Rape: When a person has sex, including oral sex, with another person (any penetration) without the victim’s consent. This applies between married individuals and a victim who is unable to give consent for any reason.   (U.C.C. 76-5-402 and 76-5-406)
Object Rape:  Any penetration of the genital or anal opening of another with any object, device or body part (except genitals or mouth) without the victim’s consent. (U.C.C. 76-5-402.2)
Sodomy: Any penetration, without consent, of the mouth or anus of one person by the genitals of another. (U.C.C. 76-5-403)
Consent: An explicit affirmative to engaging in sexual activity. If consent is not given or is unable to be given, for any reason including intoxication or sleep, it is a crime. (U.C.C. 76-5-406)
Sexual Abuse: Touching or forcing someone to touch the anus, genitals, buttocks, or female breast without their consent. (U.C.C. 76-5-404)
Sexual Battery: Intentionally touching through clothing, or not, the anus, genitals, buttocks, or female breast without their consent. (U.C.C. 76-9-702.1)
Kidnapping: Intentionally detaining, restraining or transporting a victim without their consent. (U.C.C. 76-5-301)
Harassment: A written threat against another. (Utah Criminal Code 76-5-106)
Hazing: Any activity where one person intentionally harms, endangers, shames, or frightens a person in order to join a group. (U.C.C. 76-5-107.5)
Human Trafficking (sexual exploitation): Keeping a person and forcing someone to do any sexual activity or aid in the production of pornography . (Utah Criminal Code 76-5-308)
Stalking: A person acting in such a way to cause fear and emotional distress in another. (U.C.C. 76-5-106.5)

Other Definitions....

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