If you have ever been sexually assaulted I would love to hear from you. I want to know what helps you heal. For me the process is very long and full of layers. So at one time I needed one thing, and at another something different. We are all unique and our stories are incredibly personal. Which is why it makes sense that our healing would be too.
Please share with me what books, articles, talks, music, programs, activities etc. that helped bring you peace and allowed you to connect with your inner spirit. You can tell as little as or as much as you'd like to about your trauma. You do not need to prove to me or anyone else that you were assaulted. I would love to share your ideas on this site and can publish them under your first name, first initial, a pseudonym or just as "Anonymous Survivor." You tell me.
For me, writing about my healing has pushed me to continue working hard to be whole. It has also helped me better see the specific ways in which I have grown and healed. For example, how I now feel love as I never have before. And how I find joy where I never did before.
Thank you for wanting to share and make someone else's life a little better, and their pain a little less. We truly do need each other to be "willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light ...[and to] mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort..."(Mosiah 18:8-10).
Please email me at hailey(at)activist(dot)com
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