Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fighting Rape on College Campuses

I have spent a lot of time praying and pondering how I can help other rape victims avoid the pain that I suffered. But, I have come to realize that I can't. Rape is such an evil and personal attack, the suffering caused by it is going to be enormous and life changing. However, what I can do (what everyone can do) is love and support victims. We can't stop people from hurting one another. But we can love those that have been hurt.

I have some very specific suggestions to universities about how to deter rape on your campus, educate your students, and support victims:
  • Openly and publicly ask victims to come forward. Tell them you love them and list the services you offer and how to obtain them.
  • Make resources easy to connect with. One step if possible. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, courage that may only be available once. 
  • Have trained staff who are willing and wanting to help. They should understand rape trauma, legal definitions and the community resources available in your area. They should also be aware that healing from rape trauma is multidimensional and includes emotional, legal, spiritual, medical and physical support.
  • Actively educate your students and faculty and staff on the proper definitions of the various forms of sexual assault and where to go for help.
  • Help victims heal by providing various forms of healing activities including individual therapy, group therapy, art therapy, dance therapy, yoga for trauma victims and opportunities for survivors to serve other victims. Every person is unique, as will be their path to healing. 
And until law makers and universities are willing to ask for victim input and openly support victims, nothing will change. How could it?

In Matthew 22:39 we are told that the second great commandment is "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." That is what I wish to do, and I believe the only true way we can convey to our community and nation that rape is not acceptable.

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